The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma: Reptilia and Amphibia Vol. I: Loricata Testudines Vol II: Sauria; Vols III and IV

Smith, Malcolm Arthur (1931) The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma: Reptilia and Amphibia Vol. I: Loricata Testudines Vol II: Sauria; Vols III and IV. [Publication]

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Item Type: Publication
Author(s): Smith, Malcolm Arthur
Author(s) order (without accents): Smith, Malcolm Arthur
Title order (without accents): The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma Reptilia and Amphibia Vol I Loricata, Testudines; Vol. II: Sauria; Vols. III and IV
Type of publication: Book (monograph)
Language: English
Checked: yes (vols. I and II)
Publisher: Taylor and Francis, London
ReferenceID: 120371
Date Deposited: 07 Jul 2017 11:55
Last Modified: 07 Jul 2017 11:55

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