Four studies in the language of the Vedas, II. The meaning of Vedic bh\={u}\d{s}ati, 71--93; III. Why are ahi\d{m}s\={a} and similar concepts often expressed in a negative form ?, 95--117

Gonda, J. (1959) Four studies in the language of the Vedas, II. The meaning of Vedic bh\={u}\d{s}ati, 71--93; III. Why are ahi\d{m}s\={a} and similar concepts often expressed in a negative form ?, 95--117. [Publication]

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Item Type: Publication
Author(s): Gonda, J.
Author(s) order (without accents): Gonda, J
Title order (without accents): Four studies in the language of the VedaDocendas atque Investigandas in Universitate Rheno-Trajectina conditi, edidit J. Gonda, III II The meaning of Vedic bhusati 71--93; III Why are ahimsa and similar concepts often expressed in a negative form ? 95--11
Type of publication: Book (monograph)
Language: English
Published in: Disputationes Rheno-Trajectinae, Disputationes Instituti ad Linguas Orientales Docendas atque Investigandas in Universitate Rheno-Trajectina conditi, edidit J. Gonda, III
Checked: yes
Publisher: Mouton and Co., 's-Gravenhage
ReferenceID: 31262
Date Deposited: 07 Jul 2017 12:21
Last Modified: 07 Jul 2017 12:21

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