Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies (Edible tubers, bulbs, rhizomes and spices included) -- Survey of the indigenous and foreign plants serving as pot-herbs and side-dishes

Ochse, J.J., in collaboration with R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink (1980) Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies (Edible tubers, bulbs, rhizomes and spices included) -- Survey of the indigenous and foreign plants serving as pot-herbs and side-dishes. [Publication]

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Item Type: Publication
Author(s): Ochse, J.J., in collaboration with R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink
Author(s) order (without accents): Ochse, J J, in collaboration with R C Bakhuizen van den Brink
Title order (without accents): Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies (Edible tubers bulbs rhizomes and spices included) -- Survey of the indigenous and foreign plants serving as pot-herbs and side-dishes
Type of publication: Book (monograph)
Language: Arabic
Description of the publication: XXXVI and 1005 p. (Register of the vernacular names of the plants treated in this book, used in the Dutch provinces outside Java and Madoera, bib., list of various vernacular names, contents), addenda et corrigenda (9 p.)
Location: RUG UB
Additional info: English edition of "Indische Groenten" (orig. publ., Archipel Drukkerij, Buitenzorg 1931)
Checked: yes
Publisher: A. Asher and Co. B.V., Amsterdam
ReferenceID: 80055
Date Deposited: 07 Jul 2017 12:05
Last Modified: 07 Jul 2017 12:05

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